My job was to help keep Freddie safe as we approached the Manayunk. I did it absolutely perfect twice = first wheel into the Manayunk! I started crambing on the 7th big lap but a massive bottle of Hammer Endurolytes from Remi helped me get back in the groove. Team Exergy finish 7 or 8 riders, were in every move, Quinn placed 2nd on KOM competition after rippping up the day's breakaway all day, Andres crushed the final kilometres and was only caught with 3km to go, Freddie placed 12 after leading Carlos out for 10th (an awesome result since they were both crambing badly in the finale), Matt went over the Manayunk first on lap 8 (covering dangerous bridge attempts), Kai grabbed bottles all day after animating the beginning of the race, Sam crushed bottle service all day...THANKS SAM!